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OBERON 426 - High Temperature Furnace
Isotech's Oberon Calibration Furnace (450 to 100°C)
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Compact Heat Pipe Furnace
450°C to 1000°C (1832°F)
  • Heat Pipe Technology Provides Nearly Gradient Free Volume
  • Suits aluminium, silver or copper Fixed Point Cells
  • Can be used for comparison and infrared calibration
  • Stability: ±0.05°C
  • 4 Hours to Temperature

Product Code: 426 OBERON

   Product Description    Specifications
Model 426, the Oberon, is a high temperature furnace for aluminum and silver slim fixed point cells, as well as for comparison calibration. Heat pipes provide the ideal conditions for the creation and maintenance of slim ITS-90 cells.

The calibration furnace core is a specially-designed, stress-free isothermal heat pipe, which provides a very low thermal gradient along the core working length.

The heatpipe is designed so that the inner wall is not subject to thermal expansion stresses from the outer wall before the heat pipe reaches conduction temperature. The working fluid is permanently and safely sealed within the plasma-arc-welded enclosure.

Water supply and waste connections are provided for a water supply of 0.5 to 1 liter per minute. We do not recommend use without cooling above 700°C.

The Oberon can be used with Black Body Fixed Point Cells.
Model 426 Oberon Datasheet Model 426 Oberon Manual